Welcome to the website Beyond Illusion.
BEYOND ILLUSION is a community designed to encourage and support personal growth and connection.
It is also a way of:
- holistic aproach and cellular healing
- consulting in troubles and at life decisions
- self-exploration and learning
- core transformation
- empowerment and self-realization
- support at dying and grieving
Deep spiritual work is based on subtle sensations and the feeling of the whole being, the transmission of light and wonderful divine energies of love. It derives from different healing techniques and world traditions (tibetan, old-slavic, celtic, shamanic...). Experience its amazing potential and start living differently...fully, courageously, joyfully, happily, with passion and love.
BEYOND ILLUSION is a community designed to encourage and support personal growth and connection.
It is also a way of:
- holistic aproach and cellular healing
- consulting in troubles and at life decisions
- self-exploration and learning
- core transformation
- empowerment and self-realization
- support at dying and grieving
Deep spiritual work is based on subtle sensations and the feeling of the whole being, the transmission of light and wonderful divine energies of love. It derives from different healing techniques and world traditions (tibetan, old-slavic, celtic, shamanic...). Experience its amazing potential and start living differently...fully, courageously, joyfully, happily, with passion and love.

MAJA BRATUŽ is an internationally recognized healing facilitator who has dedicated her life to her own personal development. She has been rediscovering through the beautiful connection with nature, the mystery of old Slavic ancestory that she carries inside. She has experientially studied human mind and psyche, different traditions and methods which all has brought her to the space beyond limitations, separation, techniques...beyond the illusion … where we can be who we are, lovingly connected to ourselves, to the others, to the planet, to the universal intelligence.
Maja has successfully concluded shamanic training Hummingbird Path of Healing
Core and Cellular Transformational Healing Training
The Reconnective Healing Seminars I/II
The Reconnection Seminar III
and other Teachings and Seminars, that are the main source of knowledge, knowing and skills, that are used with the Beyond the Illusion Work. With pleasure we share our experience with people, guide them and support them through changes and expansion of consciousness to reach the emotional and spirutual wellbeing.
Maja has successfully concluded shamanic training Hummingbird Path of Healing
Core and Cellular Transformational Healing Training
The Reconnective Healing Seminars I/II
The Reconnection Seminar III
and other Teachings and Seminars, that are the main source of knowledge, knowing and skills, that are used with the Beyond the Illusion Work. With pleasure we share our experience with people, guide them and support them through changes and expansion of consciousness to reach the emotional and spirutual wellbeing.

individual sessions: Reconnective Healing,
The Reconnection,
'Beyond the Illusion' Consulting
Support with Dying and Mourning
group gatherings: 'Beyond the Illusion' Workshops
spiritual journeys: in Slovenia
abroad (India, Nepal, Tibet...)
OUR CONTACTS: phone 00386 31 894 710 or e-mail [email protected]
individual sessions: Reconnective Healing,
The Reconnection,
'Beyond the Illusion' Consulting
Support with Dying and Mourning
group gatherings: 'Beyond the Illusion' Workshops
spiritual journeys: in Slovenia
abroad (India, Nepal, Tibet...)
OUR CONTACTS: phone 00386 31 894 710 or e-mail [email protected]
UPCOMING EVENTS ( več na http://www.majabratuz.com/delavnice-onkraj-utvar.html):
an evening workshop once a month in Ljubljana:
- SUMMER WEEKEND INTENSE WORKSHOP in Bled, 22nd - 24th August 2014
- 16-day SPIRITUAL JOURNEY "NORTHERN INDIA" - 3rd - 19th October 2014
an evening workshop once a month in Ljubljana:
- SUMMER WEEKEND INTENSE WORKSHOP in Bled, 22nd - 24th August 2014
- 16-day SPIRITUAL JOURNEY "NORTHERN INDIA" - 3rd - 19th October 2014