Some impressions from the sacred pilgrimage to ASSISI - january 2015
It was an early winter evening and it drizzled when our extremely well tuned konvoy was reaching its final destination. Suddenly we could see in the limelight ahead of us the little town in all its magic. We were stunned, just pulled at the side of the road and admired the beauty. Assisi enchanted us in a moment.
It was an early winter evening and it drizzled when our extremely well tuned konvoy was reaching its final destination. Suddenly we could see in the limelight ahead of us the little town in all its magic. We were stunned, just pulled at the side of the road and admired the beauty. Assisi enchanted us in a moment.
We heard st. Francis' life story but then we wanted to experience his heritage here, at the very source. We wanted to connect within ourselves with the qulities that he cherished - simplicity, devotion, humbleness, compation, service, love...and Assisi truely offered us all this. Every stone, every building, street, church, monastery, the air... everywhere we breathed indescribable peace, grace and holiness which became a part of us.
We weren't quite sure about choosing this winter time for the journey. Nature and people are more introverted at this time of the year but it is also colder and far less comfortable. Well, it turned out to be a really good time. There weren't many people in Assisi and we had all the time available that we possibly wished for, which is normally very rare here. We could take our time in churches, temples, hidden corners...we experienced live prayers, the devotion of the pilgrims and of course each and every one of us our own story.
I left Assisi full of gratitude in my heart, excited about our international group of marvelous people which was so supportive and encouraging. We surrendered, opened our hearts and let everything was all so clean and simple, incredible..
Every little corner and the whole place took me to the miracle of existence beyond the visible and simingly the depths of the past centuries and vast fields, the closeness of nature and the whisper of the the place within, where grace fills the heart and the tears run down the cheeks...for it is so simple and at the same time so incredibly majestic and heaveny beautiful.
Like our dear Verica and Andrej said: "It was really beautiful. Thank you for the experience. We think this is just what we needed and it will be our guidance for the future.
Like our dear Verica and Andrej said: "It was really beautiful. Thank you for the experience. We think this is just what we needed and it will be our guidance for the future.